B's Notes
Small notes cross posted to my digital cafe!

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Sunday Plans

pink grid background with apple design
Image via Canva

This morning I purchased Andy Carolan's "Powered by" badge pack for a couple of bucks and love them so much! I love his style and design - my current avatar is by him as well - and I wish I took the time to learn icon design and he's definitely an inspiration. I want to get a custom user icon but not sure what to request yet. maybe a DJ controller or cute star since I love stars? Let me know what you think suits me.๐Ÿ˜„

My folks left after staying with me for the week. Love them to bits but it's nice to have my space back haha. I'm grateful for them either way. I'm already feeling really good and getting stronger each day, and my incisions are healing nicely. I plan on setting up for a stream this week since I miss it - some lovely people show up and I always look forward to chatting with them!

Tonight my boyfriend and I are going to visit revolving sushi for dinner which is a fave of ours. I love the garlic ponzu salmon sushi, tekka maki, and taiyaki ice cream for dessert ๐Ÿฃ๐Ÿคค

Happy Friday

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash
Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

It's the end of the week and I'm feeling pretty good today! My muscle soreness is finally better, and I'm more mobile that yesterday. My mind is very awake since I've had a lot of sleep, and I need to remember to not do too much physically ๐Ÿ˜†. I caught up on most of my work, and now the weekend is beginning. I don't really know what to do with myself since my parents will be in town for another day and I'll try to enjoy their company.ย 

It's been kind of nice not being on the computer too much. I'm excited to get back to the things I enjoy even so, such as fiddling with my website, fiddling with my stream setup, and planning to go live sometime next week. I miss playing my music and playing games at night with my buddies. I snuck in a game or two at lunch which was lovely since I caught up with everyone. My boyfriend and I have a small circle of friends in discord and it's been a wonderful community.ย 

Time to plan for dinner soon - tacos maybe? Yeah ๐Ÿฅณ

So Grateful

TW: medical speak/body stuff

Photo by Dylan Ferreira on Unsplash
Photo by Dylan Ferreira on Unsplash

It's always so scary trying to find a new set of doctors in a new town. One thing I do know is trusting your instinct is KEY, and I'm glad I did. After nearly a year of deciding to get surgery to remove my ovarian blood cyst out in New York (my home state thatย  visit frequently to see family) or Michigan (where I currently live), I decided to do it here in Michigan, and found an amazing set of doctors - from internal, to gyn, to surgeon. Im so grateful that I trusted my instinct and after looking for 3 doctors I found all the ones that worked out wonderfully. Today is the day after surgery and I'm feeling pretty good! I just have some soreness in my abdomen where the robot did it's thing. Five small incisions and nothing more. Incredible. Meds in case of pain, but I was able to sleep throughout the night without the meds. Honestly it's no worse than a normal menstral day lol.

Thank you to everyone sending love and support! It means the world to me. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅฐ

Missed a Few Days

It's tough to write everyday for WeblogPoMo but I've been busy with my parents who are in town. I realize how exhausting it is to talk to them, plan things, and be around them, but I'm still grateful for the love. It's good to acknowledge my needs even so, because in the past I wouldn't know why I was so socially tired around them all the time. They are excited to visited and are here to support me for my surgery tomorrow. I can't wait for it to be over!

This past weekend they met my boyfriend's parents and sister, which was a hit! I was so happy they were all chatting away getting to know each other. We celebrated Mother's Day together with some food and cake. It was also a gorgeous day out, with no clouds, all sun and warm weather, and at my boyfriend's parents beautiful house on the water. It was a lovely weekend.ย  ๐Ÿ’–

Working Outside

Photo by Iewek Gnos on Unsplash
Photo by Iewek Gnos on Unsplash

I'm very grateful to work from home, even though I do miss the social interactions and seperation of "work vs play" in my home office which is also my gaming room. Lately it's been really nice to sit outside in the backyard and work under the sun. I hope we have many more cool, sunny days as it's my favorite type of weather! Let spring be spring for a few more weeks ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ